61 West 8th Street
NYC, NY 10012
(212) 674-0983
Funhouse supposedly specializes in generic Rock & Roll gear, but virtually everything is jam-packed with morbid and arcane imagery. Here you'll find gothic dresses, candleholders, ash trays, sculptures, belt buckles, t-shirts, makeup and more. In short, it's a lot like Hot Topic with a larger dose of integrity.
The staff and the location are what bring in the sales; Funhouse is one of the few establishments where the only dress code is to be as outre as possible. The employees get to look as they want and listen to whatever music they want. As a result they look as happy as morbid black-clad folk can reveal without looking completely insane.
The store has two levels; the upper having being more or less everything the lower store is, but with greater diversity.
The selection at times can seem overwhelming. To a person new to the scene, this is the place where they are most likely get in trouble overspending on their family's credit card. Sadly, Funhouse's prices do not always reflect the quality of the goods; so take care to check the sturdiness of prospective purchases.
Funhouse is very close to the Northeast exit of the West 4th Street subway station.
Commentary by Clifford H. Low, Thursday, October 31, 1997.