South Street Seaport Museum
12 Fulton Street
(at South Street on the East River)
Hours: Monday - Sunday 10 am to 5 pm
Fee: $6 adults, $4 students, $5 seniors, $3 children under 12
To get there: A or C train to Broadway-Nassau St., J, M, Z, 4, or 5 to
Fulton St.
Wear your spiffiest pirate shirt to this place. The South Street Seaport
Museum is about as rakish one can get in Manhattan. The entire area has
lots to do, with themed shops, other stores (if you are with your parents,
send them to J. Crew of Liz Claiborne), and many restaurants. But that's
not why you cam here. You came here for the ships: refurbished late 19th
century ships moored in the East River. Way cool. I haven't been on the
boats (sea sickness even when the things are moored), but I am sure it
would be fun if you are into acting out what it was like to be a sailor on
a late 19th century merchant ship, or, secretly living out your fantasies
of being in Pirates of Penzance (we won't tell!).
Collection: The museum (or course) focuses on Manhattan's maritime history.
So expect lots of boating-themed exhibitions and objects. Despite this, it
still is a fun place to go. Even if you don't go on the boats, you can at
least sit on a bench and dream those historical dreams.
Commentary by Heather Babb, Monday, January 25, 1998.